Sunday, May 9, 2010

Berita Buruk Dari PromoteBurner

Belum lama ikutan PromoteBurner dan masih menunggu pembayaran dari PromoteBurner eh dapat kabar yang lumayan ga enak, yang intinya si mereka beluma bisa atau ga bisa bayar user PromoteBurner, dan yang parahnya mereka bilang sedang bermasalah dengan paypal, wuih kaya admin situs PTC aja yang sering menjadikan alasan tidak membayar membernya karena masalah dengan paypal.

Ini sebagian kutipan masalah mereka dengan paypal is very unreliable and dangerous system.
PayPal has blocked our account without warning and ignores all our emails.
. Haha bener deh mirip sama situs PTC kalo dah gini kena maslah dengan paypal.

Ini isi surat dari PromoteBurner

Dear PromoteBurner user,
My name is Michael, and I am from aXverta Advertising Network.
I have few informations and news about PromoteBurner for you.
The previous owner has promised to us that he sends us money for March
payments till 3rd May but up to now we have not received the money.
Moreover, the former owner ignores all our emails and appeals for due amount payment for March.
Also, we regret to inform You that we are forced to cancel payments via because is very unreliable and dangerous system.
PayPal has blocked our account without warning and ignores all our emails.
But do not worry, You will surely receive Your money but at the moment You need to find a substitute for
We also plan in few days / weeks to invest $20.000 into system to better it and improve its services.
You can look forward to many new improvements, much higher CPM/CPC rates and of course better quality
support because we are aware that the contact with user is one of the most important things if we want to gain his/her trust.
Finally, please do not send us questions like “When I will receive my payment” or “When is the payment day”.
So far we are unable to respond such questions, they only slows down our work on system improvement.
For the whole team I thank You for Your trust and I am looking forward to
further comfortable co-operation.
- Michael Brown, aXverta Advertising Network
Victoria, Seychelles, 9. May 2010.

Wah belum sempet dapet bayaran udah begini, ya mudah2an aja bener mereka akan bayar. Tapi pikir2 kalau mereka mencari alternatif pembayaran selain paypal mau lewat apa ? kan yang paling mudah dicairkan ya cuma paypal & cek, kalau alertpay atau yang lain kayanya susah untuk dicairkan ke bank lokal, seperti alertpay yang mengenakan biaya lumayan jika kita mencairkan dana ke bank lokal.

Jadi gimana enaknya apakah iklan dari PromoteBurner dicabut aja ?