Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tombol Shortcut Yang Terdapat Pada Windows

Hi! Teman semua, kali ini kami akan membagikan Shortcut yang ada pada komputer yang bersistem operasi Windows, artikel ini bertujuan untuk agar pembaca lebih mudah menggunakan komputer yang bersistem operasi Windows.

1. Windows System Key Combinations (Tombol Shortcut System)
• F1: Help (Menu Bantuan).
• CTRL+ESC: Open Start menu (Buka Menu Start).
• ALT+TAB: Switch between open programs (Mengganti Antara Jendela Yang Sedang Aktif).
• ALT+F4: Quit program (Keluar Program).
• SHIFT+DELETE: Delete item permanently (Hapus File Permanen).
• Windows Logo+L: Lock the computer (Kunci Komputer).

2. Windows program key combinations (Tombol Shortcut Program)
• CTRL+C: Copy (Salin).
• CTRL+X: Cut (Potong).
• CTRL+V: Paste (Tempel).
• CTRL+Z: Undo (Membatalkan Perintah Sebelumnya).
• CTRL+B: Bold (Menebalkan Huruf).
• CTRL+U: Underline (Garis Bawah).
• CTRL+I: Italic (Memiringkan Huruf).

3. Mouse click/keyboard modifier combinations for shell objects (Tombol Shorcut Mouse)
• SHIFT+right click: Displays a shortcut menu containing alternative commands (Menampilkan Menu Shortcut Yang Berisikan Command Alternatif).
• SHIFT+double click: Runs the alternate default command (the second item on the menu) (Menjalankan Command Default Alternatif).
• ALT+double click: Displays properties (Menampilkan Properti).
• SHIFT+DELETE: Deletes an item immediately without placing it in the Recycle Bin (Hapus Permanen).

4. General keyboard-only commands (Tombol Shortcut Keyboard Umum)
• F1: Starts Windows Help (Memulai Bantuan Windows).
• F10: Activates menu bar options (Mengaktifkan Pilihan Menu Bar).
• SHIFT+F10: Opens a shortcut menu for the selected item (this is the same as right-clicking an object) (Membuka Menu Shortcut Untuk File Yang Dipilih).
• CTRL+ESC: Opens the Start menu (use the ARROW keys to select an item) (Membuka Menu Start).
• CTRL+ESC or ESC: Selects the Start button (press TAB to select the taskbar, or press SHIFT+F10 for a context menu) (Memilih Tombol Start).
• CTRL+SHIFT+ESC: Opens Windows Task Manager (Membuka Jendela Task Manager).
• ALT+DOWN ARROW: Opens a drop-down list box (Membuka menu kotak daftar)
• ALT+TAB: Switch to another running program (hold down the ALT key and then press the TAB key to view the task-switching window) (Berpindah ke program lain yang sedang berjalan).
• SHIFT: Press and hold down the SHIFT key while you insert a CD-ROM to bypass the automatic-run feature (Tekan Dan Tahan Tombol Shift Sambil Memasukkan CD-ROM Untuk Melewati Fitur Menjalankan Automatis).
• ALT+SPACE: Displays the main window's System menu (from the System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the window) (Menampilkan Menu Utama Sistem Windows).
• ALT+- (ALT+hyphen): Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window's System menu (from the MDI child window's System menu, you can restore, move, resize, minimize, maximize, or close the child window) (Menampilkan Menu MDI Sistem Windows).
• CTRL+TAB: Switch to the next child window of a Multiple Document Interface (MDI) program (Berganti Ke Jendela Program MDI).
• ALT+underlined letter in menu: Opens the menu (Buka Menu).
• ALT+F4: Closes the current window (Menutup Jendela Yang Sedang Di Buka)
• CTRL+F4: Closes the current Multiple Document Interface (MDI) window (Menutup Jendela MDI).
• ALT+F6: Switch between multiple windows in the same program (for example, when the Notepad Find dialog box is displayed, ALT+F6 switches between the Find dialog box and the main Notepad window) (Berganti Antara Jendela Yang Berada Di Program Yang Sama).
Shell objects and general folder/Windows Explorer shortcuts (Shortcut Windows Explorer).

5. For a selected object (Untuk Objek Yang Dipilih):
• F2: Rename object (Menamai Ulang Objek).
• F3: Find all files (Menemukan Semua Files).
• CTRL+X: Cut (Potong).
• CTRL+C: Copy (Salin).
• CTRL+V: Paste (Tempel).
• SHIFT+DELETE: Delete selection immediately, without moving the item to the Recycle Bin (Hapus Permanen).
• ALT+ENTER: Open the properties for the selected object (Buka Menu Properti Untuk Objek Yang Dipilih).
General folder/shortcut control (Tombol Shortcut Folder Umum)
• F4: Selects the Go To A Different Folder box and moves down the entries in the box (if the toolbar is active in Windows Explorer) (Pilih Kotak Pergi Ke Folder Lain Dan Pindahkan Ke Bawah Di Dalam Kotak).
• F5: Refreshes the current window (Menyegarkan Jendela).
• F6: Moves among panels in Windows Explorer (Pindah Di Antara Panel Di Windows Explorer).
• CTRL+G: Opens the Go To Folder tool (in Windows 95 Windows Explorer only) (Buka Go To Folder Tool “Hanya Ada Di Windows 95 Explorer).
• CTRL+Z: Undo the last command (Membatalkan Perintah Sebelumnya).
• CTRL+A: Select all the items in the current window (Pilih Semua File Di Jendela Yang Di Buka Saat Ini).
• BACKSPACE: Switch to the parent folder (Berganti Ke Folder Sebelumnya).
• SHIFT+click+Close button: For folders, close the current folder plus all parent folders (Tutup Semua Folder Termasuk Folder Sebelumnya).

6. Windows Explorer tree control
• Numeric Keypad *: Expands everything under the current selection (Meluaskan Semua Yang Ada Dibwah Pilihan Saat Ini).
• Numeric Keypad +: Expands the current selection (Meluaskan Pilihan Saat Ini).
• Numeric Keypad -: Collapses the current selection (Menyusutkan Pilihan Saat Ini).
• RIGHT ARROW: Expands the current selection if it is not expanded, otherwise goes to the first child (Meluaskan Pilihan Saat Ini).
• LEFT ARROW: Collapses the current selection if it is expanded, otherwise goes to the parent (Menyusutkan Pilihan Saat Ini).

7. Properties control
• CTRL+TAB/CTRL+SHIFT+TAB: Move through the property tabs (Bergerak Melewati Tab Properti).
Accessibility shortcuts
• Press SHIFT five times: Toggles Sticky Keys on and off (Memunculkan Jendela Sticky Keys).
• Press down and hold the right SHIFT key for eight seconds: Toggles Filter Keys on and off (Memunculkan Jendela Filter Keys).
• Press down and hold the NUM LOCK key for five seconds: Toggles Toggle Keys on and off (Memuculkan Jendela Toggle Keys).
• Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK: Toggles Mouse Keys on and off (Memunculkan Mouse Keys).
• Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN: Toggles high contrast on and off (Memunculkan Menu High Contrast).

8. Microsoft Natural Keyboard keys
• Windows Logo: Start menu (Buka Menu Start).
• Windows Logo+R: Run dialog box ( Menjalan Kotak Dialog).
• Windows Logo+M: Minimize all (Mengecilkan Semuanya).
• SHIFT+Windows Logo+M: Undo minimize all (Membatalkan Perintah Minimize All).
• Windows Logo+F1: Help (Menu Bantuan).
• Windows Logo+E: Windows Explorer (Buka Windows Explorer).
• Windows Logo+F: Find files or folders (Temukan Files Atau Folder).
• Windows Logo+D: Minimizes all open windows and displays the desktop (Mengecilkan Semua Jendela Yang Dibuka Dan Ditampilkan Di Desktop).
• CTRL+Windows Logo+F: Find computer (Temukan Komputer).
• CTRL+Windows Logo+TAB: Moves focus from Start, to the Quick Launch toolbar, to the system tray (use RIGHT ARROW or LEFT ARROW to move focus to items on the Quick Launch toolbar and the system tray)\ (Pindahkan Focus Dari Start Ke Quick Launch Toolbar Ke Sistem Tray).
• Windows Logo+TAB: Cycle through taskbar buttons (Siklus Melalui Tombol Taskbar).
• Windows Logo+Break: System Properties dialog box (Kotak Sistem Properti).
• Application key: Displays a shortcut menu for the selected item (Menampilkan Menu Shortcut Untuk File Yang Dipilih).

9. Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType software installed
• Windows Logo+L: Log off Windows (Mematikan Windows Sambil Keluar Dari Akun Windows). 
• Windows Logo+P: Starts Print Manager (Memulai Print Manager).
• Windows Logo+C: Opens Control Panel (Membuka Control Panel).
• Windows Logo+V: Starts Clipboard (Memulai Clipboard).
• Windows Logo+K: Opens Keyboard Properties dialog box (Membuka Kotak Properti Keyboard).
• Windows Logo+I: Opens Mouse Properties dialog box (Membuka Kotak Properti Mouse).
• Windows Logo+A: Starts Accessibility Options (if installed) (Memulai Pilihan Accessibility Jika Terinstall).
• Windows Logo+SPACEBAR: Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys (Menampilkan Daftar Shortcut Microsoft IntelliType).
• Windows Logo+S: Toggles CAPS LOCK on and off (Mematikan Dan Menghidupkan CAPS LOCK).

10. Dialog box keyboard commands
• TAB: Move to the next control in the dialog box (Pindah Ke Kotak Kontrol Selanjutnya).
• SHIFT+TAB: Move to the previous control in the dialog box (Pindah Ke Kotak Kontrol Sebelumnya).
• SPACEBAR: If the current control is a button, this clicks the button. If the current control is a check box, this toggles the check box. If the current control is an option, this selects the option. (Jika Kontrol Saat Ini Adalah Tombol, Maka Akan Klik Tombol. Jika Kontrol Saat Ini Adalah Check Box, Maka Akan Mencentang Check Box. Jika Kontrol Saat Ini Adalah Pilihan, Maka Akan Memilih). 
• ENTER: Equivalent to clicking the selected button (the button with the outline) (Sama Dengan Menekan Tombol Yang Di Pilih).
• ESC: Equivalent to clicking the Cancel button (Sama Dengan Menekan Tombol Batal).
• ALT+underlined letter in dialog box item: Move to the corresponding item (Pindah Ke File Yang Bersangkutan).

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Material By Ngotinggo J.

Sumber: support.microsoft.com