Thursday, October 19, 2017

How to Install FaucetCMS Faucet Script

How to Install FaucetCMS Faucet Script
Step 1: Get the script

Get the latest version here.
Alternative download link:
Step 2: Get FaucetHub API Key / Get Captcha Keys / Upload files / Create database
Create a Faucet Manager Account
Upload the Faucet Script Files on 000webhost or cPanel
Create an SQL Database on 000webhost or cPanel
Get Captcha Keys: reCaptcha / SolveMedia

Make sure you upload the files inside the archive from the ‘upload/’ folder to your web host webroot folder (probably named public_html/ ).
Step 3: Run the installation script

Yes, this faucet script comes with an automatic installation tool which is awesome.

After uploading the files, open a browser and navigate to

Fill in the fields:
You faucet address

Press Save.

Your faucet is now installed. Remember to delete the install.php and install_proceed.php from your web host after completing the installation.
Step 4: (Optional) Choosing a template

You might have noticed, there’s a templates/ folder inside the script’s zip file. Besides the default template, you can install one of these three templates:



To install any of these templates, overwrite this file from your web root:


With this file inside the downloaded zip file:
Step 5: Configure FaucetCMS Faucet Script

As mentioned before, everything is customizable from inside the admin panel.

Open a browser and point it to

Your default credentials are
username: admin
password: admin

The first thing you need to do is change the admin username and password from Service tab.

Next, go to Settings tab and configure the basic settings:

Claim time: Time between claims (Recommended: 30)

Instant payment: Enter 1 for instant payment or 0 for withdraw limit. The second options means that a user has to reach a certain amount of satoshi before he’ll be able to withdraw them. (Up to you but keep in mind that instant payment faucets are more appreciated by faucet users)

Withdraw limit: Minimum amount of satoshi required to enable withdraw (Only needed when previous setting is 0)

Min and Max rewards: Visitors are rewarded a random amount of satoshis inside these values (Recommended: 50 – 100)

Referral bonus: Referral program award (Recommended: Keep this under 25%)

Shorten services:

Shorten links enabled: Set 1 for enabled or 0 for disabled.
Shorten links bounce: Amount of satoshi a user is rewarded for visiting one of the shorten links (Recommended: 50)

SIDE NOTE: There are three available shorten services, each will reward a specific amount of satoshi, besides what the faucet is already giving away. For example, if a user has visited all three shorten links, he will be awarded 150 sat + whatever the faucet is already giving, let’s say 75 sat, so a total payout of 225 sat.

However, you should only use the service as the other two (mellow and are only counting unique visitors per day. So, if a user has claimed your faucet and visited the shorten links 10 times in 24 hours – you will get paid from mellow and only once.

To get a API Key, click here and create an account. Then go to My Account / Tools / Developers API.

If you still want to use the other two, you need to get the API Keys from them also:

Mellow Ads: Create an account here, then go to Account / Account details / API Settings. Create an account here, then go to More Tools / Developers API.

Captcha settings: You can either use reCaptcha or SolveMedia or both. Follow the guide at Step 2 for API Keys.

Payment gateways: Get the FaucetHub API Key by following the guide at Step 2.

The rest of the configuration is up to you (Pages, menus etc).

Once you registered to a few advertising networks (CoinAdia Step 3), you will be able to insert the ad blocks code from Homepage Layout tab.

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